Our founder Rosendo Barrera was born on September 4, 1962. From a young age he helped his mother with daily market purchases and learned from her how to choose the freshest and best quality products available.
He came to the United States at the age of 17 years and immediately began working in a restaurant as a dishwasher. He learned the food, and later the language with the Italian chefs that he worked with since he was always interested and curious about what they were doing.
At the beginning they refused to teach him because at the time this was not his position, but eventually after constantly offering himself to help them in crucial moments, he was able to learn their techniques and skills. He worked for over 30 years with different Italian restaurants. One of them was the famous “Dominick’s” on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, and with several of the best Italian chefs of that time, he decided to independently do what has become his passion: "The Italian Food," and in August 2007 opened the doors of his own restaurant which he called "Il Nocello Ristorante,” a family restaurant with an old school traditional home cooking style.
At inception, he had many challenges, as many saw that his origins were not Italian. They doubted his cooking too. But after trying it, Rosendo prove himself and the audience accepted him with enthusiasm and gratitude to feel pleased and satisfied with his good flavor and fresh food.
And now after almost a decade, he still continues to provide the public with the best service and great food. He affirms that his motivation to keep the doors open is the people, and the satisfaction of seeing how they enjoy each and every one of the dishes he makes.
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